Apple Files New Lawsuit Against Samsung in Germany

From PC World: Apple continues to hound Samsung Electronics at the district court in Düsseldorf, and has now filed another lawsuit aimed at 10 models in its Galaxy family of smartphones, according to Peter Schütz, spokesman at the court.

Apple again feels that Samsung's products look too much like its own offerings, Schütz said. Apple has also combined its filings against Samsung's tablets into one case, he added.

The court blocked German sales of the original version of Samsung's 10-inch tablet in September last year, after Apple argued that Samsung's product looked too much like the iPad. To circumvent that ruling, Samsung modified the appearance of the tablet to create the Galaxy Tab 10.1N.

Apple still felt Samsung was mimicking the design of its hit tablet and filed a motion to block the 10.1N, as well. But in December a judge issued a preliminary ruling that the Samsung tablet no longer violated Apple's European design patent.

The smartphone case will come before the court in August and the case against Samsung's tablets will follow in September, according to Schütz.

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