Apple Expands Patent Claims Against Samsung in Australia

From DailyTech: Just when Samsung seems to have a bit of luck in Australia with the ongoing patent war, Apple comes along and throws more patent claims on the table.

According to Samsung, Apple recently expanded its patent claims against the South Korean company's Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia. In fact, Apple went from having a patent bid that involved three patents to one that had widened to 278 claims consisting of 22 patents and 10 products.

The Samsung products Apple is going after now, in addition to the Galaxy Tab 10.1, are a variety of smartphones and the Galaxy Tab 7, which hasn't even been released in Australia yet.

Samsung said that Apple only gave it "days" notice that the patent claims had expanded. Samsung told the court it would need until May 18 to file its defense, and asked that the hearing over the iPhone 4S be split into two parts starting in late February. Apple, however, said it would need until September to prepare its evidence.

Apple and Samsung have been battling via patent suits for almost a year now. In April 2011, Apple claimed Samsung was an "iPhone, iPad copycat" with its Galaxy S 4G, Epic 4G, and Nexus smartphones along with the Galaxy Tab 10.1.

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