RIM Claims It Can't Find an LTE Chipset, Delays BB10 Half a Year

From DailyTech: Waterloo, Ontario-based Research in Motion, Ltd. (TSE:RIM) tried to put on its most cheerful face reporting its fiscal Quarter 3 2012 earnings (calendar quarter 4 2011). The numbers weren't great, but they weren't worse than expected either, living up to analysts'...

OCZ Synapse 64GB Review (Page 1 of 10)

Voltage gated Ca++ channel. Synaptic vesicle. Neurotransmitter. Reuptake pump. Postsynaptic density. Receptor. Connexon connexin monomer. Plasma membranes. Intercellular space. Hydrophilic channel. If you are in Electrical Engineering like me, and never really gotten around to studying anything in biology past high school, the first that comes to your mind is probably the title of one of my favorite textbooks not exactly written...

Flash Player 11.1 Arrives for Android Ice Cream Sandwich

From PC World: The first owners of the Galaxy Nexus smartphone can finally enjoy Flash-based websites and videos across the Web. Adobe updated the Flash Player in the Android Market to version 11.1, which supports Google’s latest mobile OS, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS).


iPad leads as Q3 tablet shipments jump 264 percent

From CNET News.com: Apple's iPad led an exploding tablet market in the third quarter, research firm IDC has revealed.

During the three-month period ended September 30, 18.1 million tablets were shipped worldwide, representing a 23.9 percent gain over the second quarter, and a...

Facebook Launches Timeline Feature Around the Globe

From DailyTech:
Facebook has rolled out a redesigned feature today that will allow users to rediscover the ghosts of Facebook's past and share it with anyone and everyone if they so choose.

Facebook Timeline, which is available everywhere today as well as on Android and m.facebook...

Dell Switches Off Mini: Netbooks No Longer Available

From X-bit Labs: Netbooks as we know them - computers with low-performance microprocessor, moderate built quality and small screens - are about to die. Dell, one of the largest PC makers in the world, has quietly discontinued its Mini lineup of netbooks with 9" or 10" screens and...

Future Success of HP's WebOS Remains Largely Uncertain

From X-bit Labs: The future of Hewlett-Packards webOS remains largely uncertain as different analysts have different opinion on the matter. If some claims that the webOS platform is dead, then other believe that it can be used for many new devices, not only tablets, but for other...

Microsoft to Start Automatic Upgrades on Internet Explorer

From PC World: Microsoft will silently upgrade Internet Explorer starting next month, arguing that taking the responsibility out of the hands of users will keep the Web safer.

The move is an acknowledgement by Microsoft that Google's model -- its Chrome browser has updated in the...

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